WillPower 20

Welcome To The WillPower Strength & Nutrition Blog

If you are reading this thn you may be a CrossFitter struggling to reach their next level of fitness due to poor program design and recurring injuries.  

Well you have come to the right place!

My name is Will Murtagh, I am the owner of WillPower Strength & Nutrition and the author of the WillPower Strength & Nutrition blog. I started this blog because in the 7+ years that I have been in the Strength & Conditioning and Nutrition field I have noticed that there is a lot of information out there that is misleading or is flat out wrong. But, it is pushed on to the public so that companies or certain individuals can either get their name out or make a profit off of people who don’t know better. 

            I want this blog to be a source of credible information for people that is based on peer reviewed research and my experiences with a Bachelors in Exercise Science, Collegiate Strength Coach, Student of Physical Therapy, a Masters of Nutrition Student and a Level One CrossFit Coach. The information that I will provide and the advice that I share on this blog will be completely unbiased. I am married to no way of eating and no way of training – if there is research to show that eating McDonalds and doing single leg squats on a BOSU ball will create the best athletes or fitness possible than I’m all for it. 

            A little background on myself, which you can find on WillPowerStrength.com, is that I have been a Strength & Conditioning Coach for about seven years. I started in the private sector as a Level One CrossFit Coach at CrossFit Pallas in Ithaca, NY, while completing my Bachelor’s Degree in Exercise Science at Ithaca College. Then, I interned with the Strength & Conditioning staff at Notre Dame University where I assisted with all Division I Olympic teams (non-football).

            Once I was done there I began working at Port CrossFit in Port Jefferson Station, NY, where I continue to train athletes (everyone is an athlete in CrossFit) in CrossFit while also interning for the Stony Brook University Athletic Performance Staff, where I assisted with all teams – but primarily Football and Basketball. After one year of interning I was promoted to a Graduate Assistant and was responsible for the strength & conditioning of Stony Brook Universities Softball, Men’s Soccer and Swimming & Diving teams while I worked towards my Masters in Nutrition. I am now in a Doctorate of Physical Therapy Program at Stony Brook University and I am excited to see what the future holds. 

            This blog will be for anyone looking to live an active, healthy lifestyle or improve their performance in sport, in the gym and in everyday life. From the average gym go-er, to CrossFitters and Power Lifters, to the 6th man on the local town recreational basketball league. I hope to educate and inspire all of my readers to hit their training hard and their nutrition even harder. If you’re interested, take a second and subscribe to the blog and I’ll talk to you soon! 


P.S. If you’re interested in leveling up your fitness and staying pain-free while you train, I can help. Just click 👉🏻 HERE and message me “Performance” to learn more.

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