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7 CrossFit Chipper WODS To Try For Your Next Workout

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Dr. Will Murtagh is a performance physical therapist and writer who helps Fitness Athletes elevate their fitness and train pain-free.

Chipper WODs (Workout of The Day) are one of the four types of CrossFit workouts. They are third in line for the progression of metabolic conditioning as they require a particular amount of physical endurance and mental toughness.

These workouts, which are often featured in settings ranging from the typical CrossFit gym all the way up through to the CrossFit Games, are designed to push your limits and test your ability to finish a large volume of work in a minimum amount of time. 

They provide a potent stimulus to drive your fitness to new heights and provide different ways to construct challenging metcons. But they also need to be prescribed for the right individual at the right time due to the number of repetitions in a typical Chipper.

They are frequently used inside my 1:1 Pain-free Performance Program, where I coach clients on how they can eliminate their pain while they train in under 90 days without having to miss time in the gym or turn their training into a rehab session. 

In this article, we will review what CrossFit Chipper WODs entail, who they are best for and why, provide examples of Chippers with different rep schemes, and finish with how to best strategize Chipper workouts for the next time you need a good training session. 

Breaking Down CrossFit Chipper WODs

The name “Chipper” implies that you are chipping away at a set of exercises and repetitions. Chipper workouts are a type of CrossFit WOD that contain a number of exercises with varying rep schemes that must be completed before moving on to the next exercise. They typically will also include lighter weights and easier gymnastic skills due to the high number of reps. 

Chipper workouts are particularly challenging because they require a large amount of muscle endurance and knowledge around pacing to avoid burning out mid metcon and struggling to finish the metcon while maintaining good form and the dose-response.

As a review, the four types of metcons include Cyclical WODs, Circuits WODs, Chipper WODs, and Constant Variance WODs.

Who Should Do Chipper WODs

The reason that Chipper WODs pose a unique challenge is the large volume of repetitions that have to be completed before moving on to the next exercise. You must know how many repetitions you can handle at one time before you need to rest to enable yourself to maintain a steady pace. Thus, this type of prescribed work can be challenging for a beginner athlete who has not developed their skill level to a high degree just yet.  

Before trying a CrossFit Chipper WOD with weights such as Front Squat, KB Swings, or Wall Ball Shots combined with classic CrossFit Skills like Pull Ups or other gymnastic movements, make sure that you are ready for them. You can do this by spending ample amounts of time developing your aerobic base and muscle endurance through metcons that only include a single movement (Cyclical) and then rotations through several exercises for multiple rounds (Circuits). 

This is why the initial assessment, like the one found in my 1:1 Pain-free Performance Program, is critical to determining your current fitness capabilities so that you’re programming meets you where you are at and progresses with you.

Once this has been done then it is off to the races for Chipper WODs. When doing so, one of the main emphases to learn is how to break up large volumes of repetitions into manageable sets with short rest periods in between. This may sound easy, but when you have multiple elements to get through it can be daunting to find the right pace to move through the workout.

Hence, a high skill level is required before getting to this point. If you attempt to fast-track your training and throw in Chipper WODs that are outside of your capabilities, you will lose the intended stimulus of being an Aerobic workout. This happens as you are pulled too far outside of your comfort zone, your muscles fill with lactic acid, and they slowly but surely fatigue. 

A good Chipper workout can be a great litmus test for your progress in CrossFit as they demand a high level of fitness and mental toughness. There is not much more challenging in training than when you are mid-workout, your heart is racing, your muscles are burning, your lungs are pumping air and you realize you are only halfway done with the workout as you look up at the running clock. 

But, in my humble opinion, this is why Chipper WODs are some of my favorite workouts. You know how much work needs to get done you simply need to roll up your sleeves, put your head down, and continue “chipping” away at the work and getting back to the rower, the barbell or back up on the pull-up bar even when you don’t want to. The light is at the end of the tunnel you simply need to push towards it.

To get you started in Chipper WODs here are a few examples to get you started. 

​7 CrossFit Chippers You Can Do At Your CrossFit Gym

“Filthy Fifty” (modify the number of repetitions based on skill level)

50 Box Jumps (24/20″)

50 Jumping Pull Ups

50 KB Swings (35/26lb)

50 Walking Lunges

50 Knees to Elbows

50 Push Presses (45/35lb)

50 Back Extensions 

50 Wall Ball Shots

50 Burpees

50 Double Unders

“The Spartan 300”

​25 Pull Ups

50 Deadlifts (135/95)

50 Push Ups

50 Box Jumps (24/20″)

50 Floor Wipers

50 KB Clean and Press (35/26lb)

25 Pull Ups

“Squat and Swing” (Partner Chipper Workout)

50 Air Squats

80 KB Swings (53/35lb)

60 Double Unders

40 Box Jumps (24/20″)

20 Burpees

10 Pull Ups

*(modify the number of repetitions based on skill level)

“The 12 Days of Christmas”

1 Sumo Deadlift High Pull (75/55lb)

2 Thrusters (75/55lb)

3 Push Presses (75/55lb)

4 Power Cleans (75/55lb)

5 Power Snatches (75/55)

6 Kettlebell Swings (55/35)

7 Pull Ups

8 Knees to Elbows

9 Box Jumps (24/20″)

10 Double Unders

11 Burpees

12 Overhead Walking Lunges (45/25lb Plate)

*Start at 1 and progressively add the next movement each round. Once the next exercise is performed climb back up the ladder until you complete the Sumo Deadlift High Pull. Followed by the subsequent exercise. i.e. follow the song. 

*(modify the number of repetitions based on skill level)

“The Three Wise Men”

3 Power Cleans (185/135lb)

4 Front Squat (185/135lb)

5 Jerks (185/135lb)

6 Bar Over Burpees 

3 Power Cleans (185/135lb)

4 Front Squat (185/135lb)

5 Jerks (185/135

6 Bar Over Burpees 

3 Power Cleans (185/135lb)

4 Front Squat (185/135lb)

5 Jerks (185/135

6 Bar Over Burpees 

3 Power Cleans (185/135lb)

4 Front Squat (185/135lb)

5 Jerks (185/135

6 Bar Over Burpees 

**This is one of many Hero WODs dedicated to fallen heroes. This particular one is dedicated to U.S. Marine Corps Sgt. Adrian Elizalde, U.S. Marine Corps Capt. Derek A. Dobogai, and U.S. Army Sgt. Daniel Hansen, who tragically lost their lives on November 28, 2012, while supporting combat missions in Afghanistan.

(modify the number of repetitions based on skill level)


1 Mile Run 

100 Pull Ups

200 Push Ups

300 Air Squats

1 Mile Run

**This is one of many Hero WODs dedicated to fallen heroes. This particular one is dedicated to U.S. Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy who tragically lost his life on June 28th, 2005, while supporting combat missions in Afghanistan.

(modify the number of repetitions based on skill level)

“The Chipper Variasion”

400-Meter Run

50 Wall Ball Shots (20/14lb)

50 Sit Ups

50 Double Unders

50 Push Ups

50 Box Jumps (24/20″)

50 Back Squat (75/55lb)

400-Meter Run

(modify the number of repetitions based on skill level)

Strategizing Chipper WODs 

As I mentioned above, completing a Chipper workout is not only about mental toughness and physical strength. Whether you are training for the CrossFit Games, throwing down in your local CrossFit gym, or hitting a quick workout in your hotel room, completing a chipper is all about pacing and managing muscle endurance throughout the session. 

Here are some easy-to-use tips for crushing your next Chipper workout.

Pacing: Keep a steady pace as best as you can. Don’t allow yourself to reach the breaking point of muscle endurance. Break the number of repetitions up into manageable sets, take a little rest, and get back to it. 

The best approach to achieving a steady approach is to move at four times the work interval. Thus, if the session will take 10 minutes at an all-out pace, then move at a pace you could complete the session in 40 minutes.

Minimize Rest: Somewhat counterintuitive to the previous point, but you want to keep moving on Chippers. Don’t allow yourself to waste time and lose track of the running clock. Keep the intervals short so that you only need a short rest.

​Quick Sets: Break the listed number of reps up into short bit-size chunks. A lot of CrossFit workouts end before they even get going because of this. When you start failing reps you lose the Aerobic nature of the session and turn it into either a muscle endurance piece or Anaerobic work.

Scale Appropriately: There is no shame in scaling, only shame in doing workouts that are not right for you. Make sure the workout you are doing matches your skill level. Don’t forget that Cyclical and Circuit metcons come before Chipper WODs.

Chipper workouts can be a great tool in your CrossFit training. They can help you to continue to progress in your fitness by challenging your ability to pace and break up large amounts of work. Both of which you will need as you get better in the sport and compete at the CrossFit games or simply want to just get fit and push to be the fittest in your gym. 

Wrapping Up On Chipper Workouts For CrossFit

I hope that this guide has shed some light on your CrossFit training and allowed you to see the what, who, why, and how of Chipper workouts. For the last 10+ years, I have used Chipper workouts in my own training and have reaped the benefits of them just like you will. They keep training fun, engaging, and challenging all at the same time and now you can perfect the Chipper in your training. 

If you are ready to elevate your fitness without having to deal with nagging aches and pains in the gym, then please book a free consultation HERE to see how I can help you reach your goals!

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