Beginner crossfiter uses benchmark crossfit workouts to assess his fitness

The 19 Best (New) CrossFit Benchmark Workouts For Beginners

If you are new to CrossFit as many of my 1:1 Pain-Free Performance clients are, you may be wondering how to know if you are actually getting better or what the best CrossFit benchmark workouts are for you to assess your fitness level. CrossFit workouts operate on the principle that what gets measured gets improved. If you want to improve your fitness level, setting baselines on what you can do is a great way to ensure that you are getting better over time.

How To Improve Squat Depth: 9 Easy Exercises To Do So

How To Improve Squat Depth: 9 Easy Exercises To Do So

If you are a CrossFit looking to improve the fitness as much as possible, you may be wondering how to improve your squat depth. Rightfully so as the Squat is one of the main movements in CrossFit and is taught as one of the nine fundamental movement patterns in the training methodology. Learn how you can improve your squat range of motion in this weeks blog.

Crossfitter performs a metcon workout designed for health

How To Use CrossFits Metabolic Conditioning For Health

Using Metabolic Conditioning to improve your health ultimately comes down to ensuring that your training is sustainable and that you are following a step wise progression in intensity and complexity with regards to the type of work that you are doing. So that you can adapt to the training, avoid burnout and excessive wear and tear on the major joints of the body.