5 Exercises To Relieve or Prevent Low Back Pain To Keep You Training Hard

5 Exercises To Relieve or Prevent Low Back Pain To Keep You Training Hard

This week we’re diving into low back pain. Although you may be reading this and thinking to yourself “my back doesn’t hurt why does this matter?”, pain does not always correlate with dysfunction right away.  You could be reading this with unknown mechanical faults in your movement that may eventually lead you to pain down…

4 Reasons why I Stopped Writing My Own Workouts and Why I Think You Should Too

4 Reasons why I Stopped Writing My Own Workouts and Why I Think You Should Too

The temptation to be your own coach and program your own training is a big one. The idea of being in complete control of your training can seem like a good idea initially. You can prioritize what you want to prioritize and ensure that training reflects exactly how you feel day to day. I have…

4 Reasons Why You Should Be Training On One Leg

4 Reasons Why You Should Be Training On One Leg

Any training program needs to be built on principles. Whether you’re a coach writing training programs for athletes or you’re an athlete writing your own training program. Principles act as a guiding light to give the program structure and ensure they are safe, effective and efficient. I really started to value the principles of my…

5 Ways To Progress Exercises To Keep Making Gains

5 Ways To Progress Exercises To Keep Making Gains

We all have our own goals when we walk into the gym. But, one thing is unanimous amongst all people that train; we want to make progress over time. If we couldn’t make progress, chances are we wouldn’t put ourselves through grueling training sessions and push for one more rep or a few seconds faster day in and day out. Unfortunately,…