CrossFitter performs burpees during hotel crossfit workouts

The Best 7 Hotel CrossFit Workouts To Train On The Road

Maintaining your training routine while you’re away from your local CrossFit gym can be challenging, but it’s far from impossible. Whether you’re on a business trip or vacation, you can still modify your scheduled workout of the day or come up with various hotel gym workouts. 

Hotel rooms may not offer the same equipment as your local box. However, with creativity and determination, you can still get a killer workout that aligns with CrossFit principles. Providing the necessary stimulus to get the best workout possible while on the road.

In this article, we’ll explore seven of the best hotel CrossFit workouts requiring minimal equipment. These workouts are designed to get your heart rate up and challenge your cardiovascular endurance, strength, and mental toughness—all within the confines of your hotel room or a small space. 

By incorporating these WODs into your travel routine, you’ll get a great workout on the road to ensure that your fitness doesn’t take a backseat, no matter where your journey takes you. They will help you get a daily jolt of CrossFit training and push you outside your comfort zone; let’s dive in!

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What Are The 7 Best Hotel CrossFit Workouts?

1.”Cindy” – The Classic AMRAP

  • AMRAP in 20 minutes:
    • 5 Pull-ups (or jumping pull-ups)
    • 10 Push ups
    • 15 Air Squats

To complete “Cindy,” perform as many rounds as possible (AMRAP) in 20 minutes of the following: 5 pull-ups (or jumping pull-ups), 10 push ups, and 15 air squats. Focus on maintaining good form and pacing yourself to keep moving steadily throughout the workout.

2. “Barbara” – The Five-Round Challenge

  • 5 rounds for time:
    • 20 Pull-ups (or jumping pull-ups)
    • 30 Push ups
    • 40 Sit-ups
    • 50 Air Squats
  • Rest 3 minutes between each round

To complete “Barbara,” perform five rounds of the following exercises for time: 20 pull-ups (or jumping pull-ups), 30 push-ups, 40 sit-ups, and 50 air squats. Rest for 3 minutes between each round.

3. Modified “Murph” – The Hotel Room Hero WOD

  • For time:
    • 1-mile run 
    • 100 Push ups
    • 200 Sit-ups
    • 300 Air Squats
    • 1-mile run 

This modified version of “Murph” is a bodyweight WOD (workout of the day) designed to be completed in a hotel room or any limited space. Begin and end with a 1-mile run, breaking up the bodyweight exercises (push-ups, sit-ups, and air squats) as needed to maintain your pace.

4. “Death by Burpees” – The Escalating EMOM

  • EMOM until failure:
    • Minute 1: 1 Burpee
    • Minute 2: 2 Burpees
    • Minute 3: 3 Burpees
    • Continue adding one burpee each minute until you can’t complete the required number in a minute

Continue adding one burpee each minute. Your goal is to complete the required number of burpees within each minute until you can no longer keep up with the escalating count. Focus on maintaining a consistent pace and pushing your limits.

5. “Tabata This” – The Time-Efficient Burner

  • 8 rounds of Tabata (20 seconds work, 10 seconds rest) for each exercise:
    • Tabata Push ups
    • Tabata Sit ups
    • Tabata Squats
    • Tabata Mountain Climbers

In Tabata intervals, you work for 20 seconds at high intensity, followed by 10 seconds of rest, repeated for 8 rounds per exercise. Maintain good form and aim for maximum effort during each work period.

6. “Chelsea” – The 30-Minute Grind

  • EMOM for 30 minutes:
    • 5 Pull-ups (or jumping pull-ups)
    • 10 Push ups
    • 15 Air Squats

At the start of each minute, complete each exercise’s specified number of repetitions. Use any remaining time within the minute as a rest period before beginning the next round. Maintain a steady pace and focus on consistent form throughout the workout.

7. “Bodyweight Fran” – The Hotel Room Sprint

  • 21-15-9 rep rounds for time:
    • Pistol Squats
    • Inverted Row

“Bodyweight Fran” is a challenging workout that combines inverted rows and pistol squats in descending repetitions. Perform each exercise in the specified order, aiming to complete all repetitions as quickly as possible while maintaining proper form. Adjust the intensity and difficulty to suit your fitness level and available space.

Benefits of Hotel CrossFit Workouts

Traveling can often disrupt your regular fitness routine, but hotel CrossFit workouts offer a fantastic solution to maintain your fitness levels on the road. Here are some key benefits:

Maintaining Fitness Consistency While Traveling

One of the most significant challenges of traveling is sticking to your fitness routine. Hotel CrossFit workouts help you overcome this by providing a versatile and adaptable exercise regimen that can be performed in various settings. 

Whether you’re in a spacious hotel gym or a compact hotel room, CrossFit’s functional movements and high-intensity intervals ensure you get a full-body workout without needing specialized equipment. 

This consistency helps you stay on track with your fitness goals, regardless of your location.

Staying Energized for the Day

Traveling can be exhausting, both physically and mentally. Engaging in a high-intensity CrossFit workout in the morning can boost your energy levels, enhance your mood, and prepare you for a productive day ahead. 

The endorphin rush from a good workout helps you combat travel fatigue and sets a positive tone for the rest of the day.

Time-Efficient Workouts

When you’re traveling, time is often limited. CrossFit workouts are renowned for their efficiency. You can achieve a highly effective workout in a short period, often in just 20 to 30 minutes. 

This time efficiency means you can fit in a powerful, calorie-burning session even if you have a packed schedule, ensuring your fitness doesn’t take a backseat.

Stress Relief During Travel

Travel can be stressful, with tight schedules, long flights, and potential unexpected delays. Exercise is a well-known stress reliever, and CrossFit’s intense and dynamic workouts are particularly effective. 

The physical exertion helps reduce cortisol levels, alleviating stress and anxiety. Plus, the focus required for CrossFit can provide a mental break from travel-related worries, leaving you feeling more relaxed and centered.

Tips for Successful Hotel CrossFit Workouts

Traveling doesn’t mean you have to skip your CrossFit workouts. With a bit of creativity and preparation, you can maintain your fitness routine no matter where you are. Here are some practical tips for successful hotel CrossFit workouts:

Packing Essentials

To ensure you’re prepared for effective workouts, it’s important to pack a few essential items and some not-so-essential items to add variety to your workouts. A jump rope is lightweight and portable, making it perfect for double unders or single unders, cardio, improving coordination, and burning calories. 

Resistance bands are also versatile tools that can be used for strength training exercises such as squats, lunges, and rows. They occupy minimal space in your luggage and provide various resistance levels. 

Additionally, remember to pack your comfortable workout clothes and shoes to ensure you can move freely and safely during your exercises.

Utilizing Furniture for Movements

Hotel rooms may lack traditional gym equipment, but you can get creative with the furniture available. For example, you can use a sturdy chair or the edge of the bed for bench dips. 

Place your hands on the edge and lower your body, keeping your legs extended. To add a challenge to your lower body workout, perform rear foot elevated split squats by elevating one foot on a chair or bed. 

Another option is to use a sturdy table or desk for inverted rows. Lie under the table, grab the edge, and pull your chest towards it, engaging your back muscles. There is no limit to how you can use furniture to augment your hotel workouts. Just be sure they are sturdy and safe to use, and you don’t cause any damage to hotel property. 

Finding Space in Your Room or Hotel

Maximize the space in your hotel room or find areas within the hotel to conduct your workout. Start by moving furniture aside to create a workout area. A small open space is sufficient for bodyweight exercises, stretching, and mobility work. 

If your hotel has a fitness center, take advantage of it. Even if it’s small, you can incorporate the available equipment into your CrossFit routine.

Getting Outside to Run or Find a Local Park or Playground

If the weather is nice and your schedule allows, consider taking your workout outside. Running is a great way to incorporate cardio and explore the local area. 

Find a nearby park or playground, as these spaces often have benches, bars, and open areas that you can use for various CrossFit exercises like pull-ups, push-ups, and sprints. Getting outside not only enhances your workout but also allows you to enjoy the fresh air and scenery.

Final Thoughts on Hotel CrossFit Workouts

Incorporating these seven hotel CrossFit workouts into your travel routine next time you’re on the road ensures that you can maintain your fitness level and continue progressing towards your goals, whether training for the CrossFit games or being the best in your local CrossFit box. 

With a bit of creativity and commitment, you can overcome various gym situations and the challenges of limited space and equipment to get in an effective CrossFit session.

Consistency is key in fitness, and these CrossFit hotel workouts provide the perfect solution for staying on track while away from your usual training environment. Not only will these workouts help maintain your physical fitness, but they’ll also contribute to reducing travel stress and boosting your energy levels during your trip.

As you plan your next journey, consider scheduling these workouts into your travel itinerary. Completing a challenging workout in your hotel room will give you a sense of accomplishment, enhancing your overall travel experience. 

If you’re ready to elevate your fitness to the next level, I invite you to join my Free Bulletproof Training Program. You’ll receive access to weekly workouts designed to help you enhance your fitness and train without pain. 

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