CrossFit athlete performs a clean movement as a part of the Bulletproof Training Program, one of the best at home crossfit programming options.

The Best at Home CrossFit Programming for Athletes

In recent years, the fitness industry has dramatically shifted toward more CrossFit athletes looking for the best at home CrossFit programming to train from the comfort of their homes.

CrossFit, known for its high-intensity functional movements that spike your heart rate and keep it there for an extended duration, has adapted to meet this growing demand for home-based training options. 

Personally, I have been training in my garage for the last few years because I wanted to minimize my commute to a CrossFit affiliate and have equipment available to me at all times throughout the week.

I also use it to train and design programs for my clients as a performance Physical Therapist and remote Fitness Coach.

Whether you’re an experienced CrossFitter adjusting to a home workout environment or a newcomer, identifying the best at-home CrossFit programming is essential for achieving your fitness goals while training at home.

In this article, we’ll explore an expert-approved program for effectively transitioning your CrossFit training at a CrossFit gym to the comfort of your home.

We’ll also dive into various aspects of at-home CrossFit, providing you with the knowledge and resources needed to enhance your CrossFit training, regardless of your current fitness level.

What Is The Best At-Home CrossFit Programming?

When it comes to at-home CrossFit programming, I’ve tried my fair share of options and have come to understand what makes a great training program.

After years of experimentation, I’ve designed my Bulletproof Training Program and believe it is the best option and stands out from the crowd.

It is a combination of performance physical therapy and expertly designed CrossFit programming.

Let me break it down for you.

The Bulletproof Training Program: An Overview

The Bulletproof Training Program, programmed by Dr. Will Murtagh, a Physical Therapist, and CrossFit coach, is designed for various skill levels, from beginner to intermediate and advanced athletes looking to take their fitness to the next level. 

Don’t let the “advanced” label scare you off, though. There are beginners in the program who follow the scaling options and receive coaching daily.

Equipment and Time Commitment

One thing I prioritized about this program is its flexibility with equipment.

While having a basic home gym setup (barbell, dumbbells, pull-up bar) is ideal, many workouts can be modified using just bodyweight exercises.

Plus, equipment modification suggestions are given daily when needed.

The program follows a five-day training split, with workouts typically lasting 45-60 minutes. I found this frequency challenging but manageable, even with a busy schedule.

Unique Features and Benefits

Injury Prevention Focus

The Bulletproof Training Program lives up to its name. The daily workouts start with a tailored warm-up and pre-hab work.

As someone who’s nursed a few CrossFit-related injuries in the past, I can’t stress enough how crucial this is.

The corrective exercises have helped me train pain-free and improved my overall performance instead of constantly nursing injuries back to baseline.

Comprehensive Fitness Approach

What sets this program apart is its balanced approach. It’s not just about soul-crushing CrossFit WODs that get you outside of your comfort zone but leave you burnt out and fatigued.

The five-day split covers Olympic lifting, strength training, muscle building, and cardiovascular conditioning. With a touch of corrective exercise to keep you healthy and moving well.

I’ve seen improvements in my lifts, endurance, and body composition in as little as 3-weeks in the program because of the additional nutritional and lifestyle support that compliments the training.

For those with a competitive fire beyond simply looking and moving great, the program is centered around the CrossFit Open and progresses to have you peak for competition. 

Personalized Assessment

Here’s a game-changer that no other group training program offers: the program offers a 50% discount on a one-on-one movement screen for individual athletes with a doctor of Physical Therapy.

In the movement screen, we’ll look at your entire body and how it moves during various CrossFit exercises.

Then, we can modify the training plan for you if we find anything that may hinder your progress or expose you to injury.

A thorough movement screen can help identify imbalances you didn’t even know you had and provide targeted exercises to address them.

Nutrition and Lifestyle Support

Let’s be honest: working out is only part of the equation. The Bulletproof Program includes nutritional guidance and lifestyle coaching.

Plus, your weekly check-ins will help keep you accountable and help you make sustainable changes beyond just exercise.

Tech-Savvy Training

The program comes with an app that can be downloaded right from the app store and includes a video tutorial for every exercise, progress tracking, and even video coaching.

As a visual learner, having access to proper form demonstrations is invaluable for proper movement execution.

Plus, tracking your progress keeps you motivated on those days when you’d rather skip a workout.

Is It Worth It?

The combination of injury prevention, comprehensive training, personalized guidance, and ongoing support has taken my fitness to levels I didn’t think possible from home workouts.

Ultimately, the best program is the one you’ll stick with. The Bulletproof Training Program has been that program for so many of my clients and provides great value relative to the investment

. It’s challenging and adaptable, and most importantly, it keeps you coming back for more. If you’re serious about at-home CrossFit, give it a shot.

Your future, fitter self will thank you.

Making The Case For At-Home CrossFit Programming

Defining CrossFit

When I first heard about CrossFit, I thought it was just another fitness fad. But I couldn’t have been more wrong.

CrossFit is a high-intensity fitness program that combines elements found in everyday life such as pushing, pulling, squatting, and bending.

It prioritizes these functional movements performed at high intensity to provide a potent stimulus to the body.

The core principles of CrossFit revolve around a constant variation of these movements to prepare you for anything life throws at you.

After almost thirteen years of training CrossFit, I can honestly say it’s the best way to build your fitness.

Benefits of At-Home CrossFit

Now, you might wonder, “can I do CrossFit at home?” Absolutely! I’ve been doing at-home CrossFit workouts for years, and during COVID, the whole world was doing it. 

Here are some perks I’ve discovered:

  1. Flexibility: No more rushing to make it to class on time. You can work out whenever it fits your schedule.
  2. Cost-effective: Gym memberships can be pricey. At-home CrossFit can save you some serious cash.
  3. Privacy: Sometimes, you just don’t want an audience when you’re gasping for air after a brutal WOD (Workout of the Day).

Training At Home vs. The Gym

Of course, there are some differences between crushing a WOD at the gym versus your living room.

At the gym, you’ve got all the fancy equipment and the energy of a group class. You might need to get creative with substitutions at home and find motivation in different ways.

For example, I once designed a kettlebell using a volleyball filled with concrete and a PVC handle because I didn’t have the cash for a real one. Not ideal, but it got the job done perfectly.

If you lack a certain piece of equipment, the key is to focus on the movement pattern rather than specific equipment. For example, doing air squats over goblet squats. 

Busting At-Home CrossFit Myths

Let’s clear up some misconceptions next, shall we? First, you don’t need a garage full of equipment to do CrossFit at home.

Basic equipment and bodyweight exercises can be incredibly effective. Second, at-home CrossFit doesn’t mean you’re missing out on the community aspect.

You can share your progress and get support in many online communities, such as the Facebook group for all Bulletproof Training Program members.

Lastly, some people think at-home CrossFit is less effective. In my experience, that’s just not true.

The effectiveness of your workout depends on your effort and consistency, not your location. I’ve seen amazing transformations from folks who never stepped foot in a CrossFit gym.

Remember, the most important thing is to listen to your body and progress at your own pace. CrossFit can be intense, but it’s also incredibly rewarding.

Whether you’re at the gym or in your living room, the principles remain the same: work hard, stay consistent, and enjoy the journey to a fitter you.

Equipment For Effective At-Home CrossFit

When I first started doing CrossFit at home, I was overwhelmed by all the equipment options.

But now I’ve narrowed down the home gym essentials. Here’s what you really need to crush those WODs in your living room or garage.

Barbell + Plates

A good barbell and a set of plates are the cornerstones of any CrossFit setup. I remember trying to substitute with resistance bands – let’s just say it wasn’t the same.

Invest in a quality Olympic barbell and a range of plates. You’ll use these for everything from deadlifts to cleans.

Squat Rack or Stand

Trust me, you don’t want to clean heavy weights off the floor for every set of squats. A squat rack or stand is a game-changer.

It’s also great for bench press and overhead work. I learned this the hard way after one too many failed attempts at “cleaning” my squat weight.

Dumbbells or Kettlebells

A pair of dumbbells or kettlebells are perfect for when you need to switch things up. Dumbbell snatches and kettlebell swings are also staples in many CrossFit workouts.

Plus, they’re great for unilateral work to address any imbalances.

Plyo Box

A plyo box is more versatile than you might think. Sure, it’s great for box jumps and explosive jump training, but I’ve used mine for step-ups, elevated push-ups, and even as a makeshift bench.

These come in wood or rubber versions, so if you’re worried about shin scrapes, opt for a rubber one!

Speed Rope

Don’t underestimate the humble jump rope. Double unders are a powerful tool for your metcons, and a good speed rope is essential.

It took me months to get my first double under, but now I can’t imagine a workout without them.

Pull-Up Bar

Whether it’s kipping pull-ups or strict ones, you’ll need a sturdy pull-up bar.

I first mounted mine in a doorway, but once I had my squat rack set up, I now have a legit pull-up bar for kipping pull-ups and muscle-ups.

It’s been a game-changer for my upper body strength. Just ensure it’s installed correctly if it isn’t fastened to a rack.

Wall Ball

Wall balls are a love-hate relationship for most CrossFitters. They’re brutal but effective. You know what I mean if you have been gasping for air during the Karen WOD.

A good wall ball will help you improve your squats, shoulder presses, and conditioning all at once. 


A rowing machine offers many benefits, from metabolic conditioning to assessing recovery to building aerobic capacity.

It can be a powerful tool for everyone from recreational CrossFitters to CrossFit Games athletes. A rower is an excellent addition if you have the space and budget.

It’s low-impact but provides a killer full-body workout.

I was hesitant to spend the money at first, but now my rower is one of my most-used pieces of equipment.

Remember, you don’t need all of this equipment to start. Begin with the basics or the available equipment in your home, and add pieces over time. 

Staying Motivated While Training at Home

It’s no secret that keeping up with CrossFit at home when you could easily stay in bed or on the couch can be tough.

Without the energy of a box and fellow athletes cheering you on, it’s easy to lose motivation.

But don’t worry, I’ve been there, and I’ve got some tricks up my sleeve to help you stay on track.

How To Stay Consistent

Set a Schedule and Stick to It

One of the best things I did was treat my home workouts like appointments. I schedule them in my calendar and treat them as non-negotiable.

It’s amazing how this simple act of having it on the schedule can boost your commitment.

Create a Dedicated Workout Space

If possible, designate a specific area for your workouts. It doesn’t have to be fancy – I started with just a corner of my garage.

Having a space that’s always ready for your WOD can make a big difference in your motivation.

Progress and Goal Tracking

Keep a Workout Journal

I can’t stress this enough – write down your workouts and keep a workout log! Inside the Bulletproof Training program, you can document your results for each session.

I use it to track my lifts, times, and how I feel during each session. Looking back and seeing how far you’ve come is incredibly motivating.

Set SMART Goals

Remember SMART goals? They are specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. I set both short-term and long-term goals.

Maybe it’s improving your Fran time by 30 seconds in the next month or finally nailing that muscle up by the end of the year.

Setting SMART goals keeps you on track to reaching the outcomes that you wish to achieve.

You can then break those goals down into process goals, the daily habits that lead to the desired outcome.

Find Your Training Partner

Virtual Training Partners

Just because you’re at home doesn’t mean you have to train alone. I’ve got a workout buddy across the country.

We both follow the Bulletproof Training Program and compare results after our sessions, which adds an element of accountability and friendly competition.

Family Involvement

If you have family at home, why not get them involved? Grab your spouse, kids, or parents and train together.

For the Bulletproof Training Program, there’s no limit to how many people in the same household can be on the same account. 

It’s a great way to spend time together and stay motivated.

Utilize Online Communities

The Bulletproof Training Program’s Private Facebook Group

This has been a game-changer for the members and myself.

The support and motivation from fellow CrossFitters in the Bulletproof Training Program’s private Facebook group are invaluable to both me and my clients.

It’s become a global community and is a great place to share achievements, ask for advice, and find that community feel even when you’re training solo.

Final Thoughts on The Best at Home CrossFit Programming

Alright, CrossFit athletes, we’ve covered a lot of ground here!

From understanding the essence of at-home CrossFit to exploring the Bulletproof Training Program, you’re now armed with the knowledge to crush your fitness goals right in your living room or garage.

Remember, CrossFit is about constant improvement and pushing your limits, whether you’re doing burpees in your bedroom or wall balls in your backyard.

The Bulletproof Training Program is a top choice for at-home CrossFit programming. It offers a comprehensive approach that goes beyond just workouts.

With its focus on injury prevention, personalized assessments, and ongoing support from expert coaches, it’s a solid investment in your fitness journey.

But regardless of which program you choose, the key to success in at-home CrossFit lies in hard work, consistency, proper equipment, and staying motivated.

Create your dedicated workout space, stick to a schedule, and don’t forget to tap into online communities like the Bulletproof Training Program’s Private Facebook Group for that extra boost of motivation.

If this sounds like something you are interested in, I invite you to try the Bulletproof Training Program.

Take advantage of the 3-day free trial, and if you decide it’s not for you, no sweat. You can cancel anytime before your first purchase.

Try the Bulletproof Training Program 3-days free.

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