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The 7 Best CrossFit Partner WODS: Workouts & Strategy

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Dr. Will Murtagh is a performance physical therapist and writer who helps Fitness Athletes elevate their fitness and train pain-free.

I’ve learned what makes a good partner workout over my twelve years of training and coaching in CrossFit. From this, I have designed what I believe to be the best CrossFit partner WODs you can perform with a friend to elevate your training and challenge your fitness levels in different ways. 

Each of these partner workouts is strategically designed to push your limits and foster teamwork through various formats and training styles. From high-intensity AMRAPs and synchronized movements to short strength-focused sessions, these WODs offer something for every CrossFit athlete. 

Partner workouts are a great way to foster effective communication for competition, enhance your gym’s community, and provide a dose of healthy competition to increase both partner’s fitness levels to new heights.

These partner workouts are the same ones I give my clients inside my 1:1 Pain-Free Performance Program when team competitions arise or if they want more variety and fun in their training.

So, if you need a quick partner workout, give these workouts a shot, and feel free to email me to let me know how you did or ask any questions you have!

What Are The Best Partner CrossFit WODs?

Whether you are traveling, meeting up with friends in training, or preparing a team for the CrossFit Games team competition, these partner workouts are some of the best I have seen over my last twelve years of training and coaching CrossFit. Give them a shot for your workout of the day, and read the descriptions and strategy carefully so the workout goes smoothly and you perform as well as you can.

Workout 1: “The Buddy Up AMRAP”


20-minute AMRAP:

  • Partner A: 10 front squats 115#/75#
  • Partner B: 10 burpees
  • Alternate exercises after each partner completes their set of exercises.

Description of the workout: The Buddy Up AMRAP is a high-intensity partner workout designed to push both participants to their limits within a set time frame. Alternating between front squats and burpees, partners work together to accumulate as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes. The constant rotation ensures that one partner moves, promoting a fast-paced and dynamic training environment.

Benefits of AMRAP-style workouts: AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible) workouts offer several benefits for fitness enthusiasts. First, they provide a clear and measurable goal, encouraging participants to push themselves to complete as many rounds or reps as possible within the given time. 

This intensity improves cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength, and mental toughness. Additionally, AMRAP workouts are adaptable to various skill levels. They can be easily modified to suit individual capabilities by adjusting the duration or scaling the exercises.

Strategy tips for maximizing performance: In The Buddy Up AMRAP, effective communication and efficient movement transitions are critical. Partners should establish a steady rhythm and coordinate their efforts to maintain a consistent pace throughout the workout. Strategizing rest periods is essential, ensuring each partner pushes themselves while avoiding burnout. 

Additionally, focusing on proper form and technique during front squats and burpees can help optimize efficiency and minimize the risk of injury.

Workout 2: “Tag Team Chipper”


For time:

  • 300 double unders
  • 100 wall balls 20#/14# to 10’/9′
  • 80 box jumps 24″/20″
  • 60 kettlebell swings 53#/35#
  • 40 toes-to-bar
    *Split work as needed

Detailed breakdown of the Chipper format: The Tag Team Chipper follows the traditional chipper format commonly seen in CrossFit workouts. Participants work through a series of exercises sequentially to complete all reps as quickly as possible. 

In this workout, partners alternate tasks, with one partner working while the other rests. This format challenges athletes to push through fatigue and maintain intensity throughout the entire workout.

Importance of communication in Chipper workouts: Effective communication is essential in Chipper workouts to ensure smooth transitions between exercises and maintain a steady pace. 

Partners should communicate openly about their energy levels, pacing strategies, and any adjustments needed to optimize performance. Clear communication also helps prevent confusion and minimizes wasted time during transitions, ultimately improving efficiency and overall performance.

Strategy for dividing tasks efficiently: To maximize efficiency in the Tag Team Chipper, partners should strategically divide tasks based on each other’s strengths and preferences. Assigning exercises that match each partner’s strengths can help expedite completion times and minimize fatigue. 

Additionally, partners should coordinate transitions carefully to minimize downtime between exercises. By strategizing and communicating effectively, teams can optimize their performance and confidently tackle this partner chipper WOD.

Workout 3: “Partner Murph”


For time:

  • 1-mile run (together)
  • 100 pull-ups (divide as needed)
  • 200 push-ups (divide as needed)
  • 300 air squats (divide as needed)
  • 1-mile run (together)

Understanding the traditional Murph workout: The Murph workout, named in honor of Lieutenant Michael P. Murphy, is a classic CrossFit hero workout known for its grueling intensity.

Traditionally performed solo, Murph consists of a 1-mile run followed by 100 pull-ups, 200 push-ups, and 300 air squats, capped off with another 1-mile run. This challenging workout is designed to push athletes to their physical and mental limits, embodying the spirit of perseverance and sacrifice.

Adaptations for a partner version: Partner Murph offers a modified version of the traditional workout, allowing participants to share the workload and support each other throughout the challenging journey.

In this partner version, the 1-mile runs are completed together, fostering camaraderie and teamwork from the start. followed by gymnastic skill movements of Pull-ups, push-ups, and air squats that are divided between partners as needed. This allows for strategic partitioning of reps to minimize fatigue and maintain a steady pace.

Mental and physical strategies for completing Partner Murph: Completing Partner Murph requires a combination of mental fortitude, physical preparedness, and effective teamwork. Partners should communicate openly and set realistic goals for each workout segment, focusing on maintaining a consistent pace and supporting each other through the challenging exercises. 

Mental strategies such as breaking the workout into manageable segments and staying focused on each rep can help combat fatigue and keep pacing fast. Physically, proper form and technique are crucial to prevent overuse injury and maximize efficiency, especially during high-rep movements like push-ups and air squats.

You will also want to grab a pair of high quality gymnastic grips or a use a weighted vest to prevent hand tears and perform the workout as prescribed.

Workout 4: “Synchronized Synchro”


For time:

  • 50 synchronized burpees
  • 40 synchronized kettlebell swings 53#/35#
  • 30 synchronized burpee box jump overs 24″/20″
  • 20 synchronized wall balls 20#/14# to 10’/9′
  • 10 synchronized handstand push-ups

Explanation of synchronized movements: Synchronized movements require partners to perform exercises simultaneously, matching their pace, timing, and range of motion. In Synchronized Synchro, each movement is performed together, emphasizing teamwork and coordination.

With each repetition, you should remain in sync with your partner ideally “meeting” at the bottom or top of each movement such as in the lockout of the handstand push-ups or at the bottom of each burpee box jump over.

Benefits of coordination and teamwork in Synchro workouts: Synchronized workouts offer numerous benefits beyond physical fitness. They promote enhanced communication skills, as partners must effectively communicate to synchronize their movements and maintain alignment.

Additionally, Synchro workouts strengthen teamwork and trust, as partners rely on each other to execute movements in unison. By working together seamlessly, participants improve their physical coordination and build a strong sense of camaraderie and mutual support.

Techniques for staying in sync with your partner: To excel in Synchronized Synchro, partners must employ various strategies to remain in sync throughout the workout. Clear communication is paramount, with partners verbally coordinating their movements and providing feedback to ensure alignment. Visual cues can also be helpful, with partners mirroring each other’s form and pace. 

Establishing a rhythm and synchronizing breathing patterns can further enhance coordination and efficiency. Finally, practicing together and familiarizing yourself with each other’s movement patterns prior to starting will help refine synchronization and maximize performance during the workout.

Workout 5: “The Relay Race Rumble”


10 Total Rounds For time (alternating rounds):

  • Partner A completes:
    • 400-meter run
    • 15 dumbbell thrusters 50
    • 10 chest-to-bar pull-ups
  • Partner B completes the same sequence while Partner A rests.

Incorporating cardio and strength elements into relay-style WODs: The Relay Race Rumble combines cardio and strength training in a relay-style format, providing a comprehensive full-body workout. A 400-meter run challenges cardiovascular endurance, while thrusters and pull-ups target muscular strength and endurance. 

This dynamic combination promotes overall fitness and adds an element of strategy and teamwork as partners alternate rounds to complete the workout. The alternating rounds, in which the first partner works while the second partner rests, create a potent interval stimulus.

Strategy for smooth transitions between partners: Efficient transitions between partners are crucial in the Relay Race Rumble once each partner finishes a full round to maintain momentum and shorten the rest period. Partners should establish a clear plan for handing off responsibilities and ideally use their pull-up bar, ensuring a seamless transition from one round to the next. 

Communication is vital, with partners signaling when they are ready to switch and providing any necessary support or encouragement. Additionally, practicing transitions during training sessions can help refine coordination and streamline the handover process, allowing smoother execution during the actual workout.

Training tips to improve endurance: Endurance training is essential for success in relay-style workouts like the Relay Race Rumble. To improve cardiovascular endurance, incorporate regular running sessions into your training routine, gradually increasing distance and intensity. Interval training, such as sprint intervals or tempo runs, can also help boost speed and stamina. 

Workout 6: “The Dynamic Duo DT”


10 rounds for time (Alternate rounds):

  • 12 deadlifts 155#/105#
  • 9 hang power cleans 155#/105#
  • 6 push jerks or push presses 155#/105#

Overview of the classic CrossFit workout DT: DT is a renowned CrossFit workout named after U.S. Air Force Staff Sergeant Timothy P. Davis. It consists of five rounds of 12 deadlifts, 9 hang power cleans, and 6 push jerks performed with a barbell.

Adaptations for a partner version: In The Dynamic Duo DT, partners share the workload by alternating rounds. This modification allows for a increased recovery while maintaining intensity throughout the workout.

Tactics for dividing workload and strategizing rest periods: To optimize performance in The Dynamic Duo DT, communication is crucial, with partners discussing their strengths and preferences to push where necessary and minimize transitions. For example, one partner may excel at deadlifts while the other thrives in power cleans or push jerks. 

By playing to each other’s strengths and strategically, partners can minimize fatigue and maximize output. Additionally, partners should strategize rest periods to ensure adequate recovery between rounds while maintaining a steady pace overall.

Workout 7: Partner CrossFit Total


Each partner completes the following lifts, aiming for a one-rep max:

  • Back squat
  • Shoulder press
  • Deadlift

Importance of Compound Lifts in CrossFit: Compound lifts like the back squat, shoulder press, and deadlift are foundational movements in CrossFit, targeting multiple muscle groups simultaneously and promoting functional strength and stability. Incorporating these lifts into Partner CrossFit Total offers an opportunity to assess and improve overall strength, enhancing performance in various CrossFit workouts and daily activities.

Benefits of Partner Collaboration in Strength Training: Partners can offer spotting assistance during heavy lifts, ensuring safety and confidence in pushing for maximal loads. Additionally, partners can motivate and encourage each other to reach new personal bests. By working together, partners create a higher intensity and motivating training environment that promotes progress and success in strength development.

Strategies for Maximizing Performance in Partner CrossFit Total: To maximize performance in Partner CrossFit Total, partners should employ strategic approaches to each lift. Prioritize warm-up sets to prepare the body and nervous system for heavy lifting. Gradually increase the weight to find a challenging yet maximum load for each lift. Maintaining proper form and technique during the lifts to optimize strength and prevent injury. 

Types of CrossFit Workouts

Task Priority 

The main focus of a task-priority workout is completing the total reps given in the workout as fast as possible. With task-priority workouts, it is common for there to be a time cap that is just at the athlete’s capabilities to help push their pace and ensure the workout does not become longer than expected. The hero WOD “Murph” is a classic example of a task-priority workout. There are many repetitions to get through, and the challenge becomes managing your muscle endurance to achieve a great time.

Time Priority 

Time-priority workouts involve a set amount of time, and the goal is to maximize the amount of work done in that time frame. Typical time-priority workout formats include AMRAPs or Every Minute On The Minute style workouts. The challenge with time-priority workouts is pacing to maintain your power output the whole time to maximize your score. 

Final Thoughts on The Best Crossfit Partner WODS

Each of these partner WODS will give you a potent stimulus for your CrossFit training. I love adding partner workouts into my training and clients’ training as they keep training fun and engaging while fostering new relationships within the CrossFit community. From a training perspective, I also love that they create an interval format since intervals are a great way to improve your aerobic ability and learn proper pacing as a CrossFit athlete.

These seven workouts, which I have written for you, will challenge you in different ways from a task or priority perspective as well as from a conditioning or strength standpoint. Whatever your specific goals are, grab a partner, pick the one that best suits your workout of the day, and get to work!

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out or book a completely free consultation for my 1:1 Pain-Free Performance Program. This program is for people who want to elevate their fitness while avoiding injury and training pain-free.