Crossfitter performs a strict pull-up

How To Achieve Your First Strict Pull-Up In CrossFit

Every day, CrossFitters perform strict pull-ups in their respective gyms as a part of the workout of the day (WOD). But, if you are new to CrossFit, building the foundational strength needed to get your first strict pull-up can be challenging. It is possible, though, in less time than you may think with the right program, motivation, and coach behind you.

CrossFitter loads a colored Olympic rubber plate

The 6 Best Colored Bumper Weight Plates For CrossFit

In this guide, we will dive deeply into the six best Olympic bumper plates based on your goals, training environment, and budget. As well as get to the bottom of why the plates are colored the way they are, determine the different types and materials of the Olympic weight plates, and explore which environments are best suited for each plate.

Crossfitter prepare s to perform a toes to bar exercise

How To Do Toes To Bar For CrossFit: The Complete Guide

According to the Morning Chalk Up, a popular news outlet covering various topics in the CrossFit Games and various CrossFit Athletes, the Toes-To-Bar movement is the third most commonly programmed movement. In fact, it has appeared in the CrossFit Open twelve out of thirteen years. So, if you hope to put your best foot forward in competition then building your capacity in this movement is arguably the first thing you’ll want to do. 

Crossfiter performs a Devil's Press in CrossFit workout

Perfecting The Devil’s Press For CrossFit Workouts

The Devil Press is a particularly challenging movement as it includes several movements packaged together and creates a range of motion and time under tension that is longer than most typical movements like a kettlebell swing or push press. The packaging of several movements makes the Devil Press stand out as a great full-body exercise that pushes athletes to their limits on each workout. 

Beginner crossfiter uses benchmark crossfit workouts to assess his fitness

The 19 Best (New) CrossFit Benchmark Workouts For Beginners

If you are new to CrossFit as many of my 1:1 Pain-Free Performance clients are, you may be wondering how to know if you are actually getting better or what the best CrossFit benchmark workouts are for you to assess your fitness level. CrossFit workouts operate on the principle that what gets measured gets improved. If you want to improve your fitness level, setting baselines on what you can do is a great way to ensure that you are getting better over time.