An athlete trains his VO2 max and lactate threshold using interval training. Discovering the difference between vo2 max vs lactate threshold.

VO2 Max vs Lactate Threshold: The Difference, How To Test Them and Why It Matters For Athletes

The best way to look at the two values in my opinion is to think of VO2 max as a bucket and lactate threshold as water in the bucket. A training program to improve VO2 max increases the size of the bucket and training to improve lactate threshold increases the water in the bucket.

Misconceptions About The Role The Weight Room Plays In Sports Performance

Misconceptions About The Role The Weight Room Plays In Sports Performance

This week I wanted to a step outside of the general health and fitness realm and dive into the sports performance world. I think this would be beneficial to many of the people reading this who are either high school, collegiate or weekend warrior athletes. Whichever camp you find yourself in, improving your game is…

Athlete performs Active recovery workout crossfit workouts

Going Beyond Basic Nutrition – Two Functional Food Components That Improve Performance

Fullscript -10% off 3000+ Supplements and free shipping on orders over $50 – Click HERE Today, there is increasing interest and research into foods and components of food that provide health benefits beyond basic nutrition. There is recent evidence that demonstrates that some foods or their components can have benefits for the human body that…

Why You Haven’t Achieved Your First Pull Up and A Plan To Get You There

Why You Haven’t Achieved Your First Pull Up and A Plan To Get You There

This week were going to go over a movement that sits in at very least, the top five most frustrating movements for athletes and gym goers alike – the pull up. Pull ups, although seemingly simple can frustrate people for years before finally squeaking out a bent elbow, chin only partly over the bar rep….

How To Use MyFitnessPal To Reach Your Goals

How To Use MyFitnessPal To Reach Your Goals

Fullscript -10% off 3000+ Supplements and free shipping on orders over $50 – Click HERE After reading one of my previous blogs, “How to Calculate Daily Calories and Macronutrients” we can agree that nutrition is not only about quality foods but the quantity of food. Unfortunately, if someone requires 2000 calories a day to maintain…

Athlete trains to discover how to create a workout plan for athletes

How To Write A Training Program For Athletes

Crafting an effective training program for athletes is an art that requires a personalized touch. Recognizing the unique needs and capabilities of individual athletes is paramount in ensuring their optimal performance and reducing the risk of injury. Strength training isn’t a one-size-fits-all concept; rather, it’s a tailored journey that involves understanding an athlete’s fitness level, training age, and specific goals.